Environment and Biodiversity

We are committed to reducing the environmental impact in our operation and protecting the water resources as well as the biodiversity for the future generations.

Specific actions have been taken to achieve energy saving and environmental protection, including decreasing the consumption of plastic, especially disposable plastic materials. In 2021, 95% of the materials used in the Food and Beverage Department, such as takeaway boxes, tableware, paper cups, straws and packaging bags, are biodegradable and environmentally friendly.

In addition, to protect the ecosystem we insist on using non-polluting chemicals in our golf course maintenance.

In 2021, working with Shenzhen Birding Association, we completed a research project of the birds that make Xili Golf and Country Club their home. In 2022, we will carry out a biodiversity survey, which will lay the foundation of the protection of plants and animals on the golf course.

Employee Development

We have a complete training and development plan for employees. A strong culture of learning has been created through a variety of programs and a favorable training atmosphere. We value talented people and we are open to constructive opinions. Applause and recognition will go to those who offer the best service.

We believe that diversity will drive innovation and satisfy the divergent demands of our members and guests.

Sustainable Supply Chain

We are firmly convinced that it is significant to raise public awareness of sustainability and lead our customers to be responsible in food consumption. We practice local and fair sourcing. Wherever possible, our business arrangements engage local suppliers and use eco-friendly products to help promote growth and development in the local communities.

The construction of the organic farm completed in 2014. Offering fresh and healthy fruits and vegetables, it has become a unique culinary feature at Xili. The garden by the staff residence area has been opened for planting and gardening since 2018. Through sowing and reaping, our staff have also developed a deeper understanding of living a green and low-carbon life.

Health and Safety

Xili has "zero tolerance" on non-compliance of health and safety standards. This includes ensuring that food safety systems and hygiene, and sanitation are maintained at the highest level.

Our club and hotel have established a complete health and safety management system to identify and control potential health and security risks in the workplace.

Community Engagement

As an integral member of the local community, we proactively engage all our stakeholders to understand their needs and to create a greater sense of shared value and ownership. We are committed to helping advance and positively impact the lives of the people and communities where we operate.

We aim to contribute to the social and economic development of local communities by providing employment and training opportunities. We provide people with disabilities (PWD) opportunities for upward mobility. We actively work with at-risk communities to offer training for low-income families to improve their livelihood.